What Literature Owes the Bible

The Book of Books - What Literature Owes the Bible - NYTimes.com
A number of the great works of Western literature address themselves very directly to questions that arise within Christianity and test doctrine by means of ...

Middletown woman's love of books leads to part-time business repairing Bibles ...
Washington Post
She estimates she restores about a dozen books, mostly Bibles, each year. It's a good fit for O'Connor, 59, who has always loved books. She is also an assistant manager at Wonder Book and Video. A few years ago, O'Connor took a class from Linda Rollins ...

Q&A: Publishing Your Own E-Book
New York Times (blog)
Amazon has a Kindle Direct Publishing service that lets you self-publish your own e-books and sell them in its online Kindle store. The site has tutorials for properly formatting and uploading your book file to make it compatible with the Kindle, ...

Your books of the year
The Guardian
Jeff Alderson, Oxford Let Live: A Bike Ride, Climate Change and the CIA by John Madeley (Longstone Books). John Madeley is a well-known author and broadcaster on issues relating to development and social justice. This his second novel focuses on ...

The Guardian

BOOKS: The Best Mysteries of 2011
Morning Sentinel
Bywater Books: A professionally disgraced psychiatrist returns to Oxford, England, to look into a murder. McDermid's 24th novel works as an academic mystery and a tale about rebuilding one's life. Spending time with these appealing characters, ...

Libraries Offer More Than Books
Huffington Post
A place to store soon-to-be-obsolete books? A cultural institution past its prime in a digital age? If you really spend time in a library-- from the the New York Public Library's main branch to Monona Public Library in Monona, WI-- you might say that a ...

Year-end books: E-sales surge; where's Oprah?
Last spring, without offering any details, she told USA TODAY, "I'm going to try to develop a show for books and authors" on her fledgling cable network, OWN. But that hasn't happened yet. Bernie Madoff's $18 billion Ponzi scheme was big news three ...


Authors take control of the publishing process
The National
Mark Hertzberg / AP Photo via Journal Times For most of the 20th century, a fairly stable pattern developed in the publishing industry. The system was a sequence of barriers prospective authors had to surmount before their books could ever see the ...

The National

Bestselling books of 2011 - commentary
The Guardian
With publishing in transition from "physical books" to ebooks (Nielsen's figures are confined to the former) and no overall picture yet available of the ebook market, buying trends are hard to read. But shoppers seem increasingly reluctant to shell out ...

The Guardian

10 Business Authors' New Year's Resolutions for You
There are lots of great business books out there but, as a small-business owner, you may not have time to read them all. Luckily, we were able to get some of the country's best business writers to distill their business theories into one short and ...


Book Buzz: 'Hunger Games' reaches No. 1 on USA TODAY's list
1 on USA TODAY's Best-Selling Books list for the first time (its previous peak was No. 2, on Sept. 29). Catching Fire is No. 7, Mockingjay is No. 8, and the boxed set is No. 27. "As strongly as The Hunger Games trilogy has been selling all year, ...


Romance authors choose their favorite books of 2011
By Joyce Lamb, USA TODAY One of the toughest questions, if not THE toughest question, you can ask a romance writer is: What are your favorite books of the year? So, of course, I had to ask. And, happily, lots of romance authors answered. ...


11 Best Books Of 2011
Huffington Post
We admit, it's difficult to pick the best books of the year, particularly this year, during which it seems there were so many stellar books. However, do it we must. Our list was compiled by the three people on our Books team. ...

Amazon: We Sold Over 4 Million Kindle Devices This Month; Gifting Of E-Books ...
Bezos also highlighted the fact that the #1 and #4 best-selling Kindle books released in 2011 were both published independently by their authors using Kindle Direct Publishing. The Kindle family, including the Kindle Fire, Kindle Touch and Kindle, ...

Penguin Books Release of Ridgeway by Peter Vronsky Launch Party of the Year ...
PR Web (press release)
Ridgeway: The American Fenian Invasion and the 1866 Battle That Made Canada by Peter Vronsky, Penguin Books, 2011. Ridgeway, a new history book by Peter Vronsky launched in 19th century military splendour by Penguin Books. One of the more spectacular ...

PR Web (press release)

NH volunteers to relay 6000 books to new shop
Holbrook says he expects it will take an hour to move 6000 books to RiverRun's new location on Fleet Street. His estimate is based on experience. A similar brigade of volunteers moved books to his Congress Street location in 2006, just from the ...

Authors to make monthly visits to library
The Daily News of Newburyport
Not only should the series provide a boon for patrons, but it will also be of value to the authorsthemselves, predicted local novelist Jane Ward, who spoke at the library last year. "You're really getting people who love to read books, ...

Goldsboro Books
Goldsboro books also champion new authors. They are invited to the shop for launches and signings (as are more established names). Their book of the month club promotes all kinds of fiction introducing members to previously unknown genres as well as ...

On your bookmarks ...
Sydney Morning Herald
Among next year's publishing highlights is a new novel by Alexis Wright. Photo: Rob Banks From a literary icon's 'lost' work to debuts from our youngest writers, the year ahead is bound to please. ''READING is over. Writing is finished. ...

Sydney Morning Herald

The Best Books of 2011: Reader's Choices
National Post
In early December, we asked readers to tell us their favourite books of the year. In the end, nearly 500 people cast votes for over 1000 different titles. To be eligible, a book must have been published in 2011 – that eliminated popular picks like The ...

National Post

Society for Scholarly Publishing to host Librarian Focus Group meeting in Jan ...
As books reach the digital tipping point and electronic journals continue to add more functionality, far-reaching decisions are being made by librarians in regard to their collections. The first all electronic libraries are becoming a reality and more ...

Insurance made child's play, with comic books
Hindu Business Line
Photo: PV Sivakumar The country's insurance regulator will use the power of comicbooks to drive home the basic concepts, needs and importance of insurance in one's life, starting right from the school level. The Insurance Regulatory and Development ...

Hindu Business Line

Don't miss the best books of 2011
St. George Daily Spectrum
I loved the characters in these "girl books" and I loved how their respective authors gave us a chance to see inside their heads. For boys who are looking for the same kind of book, give them "On the Come Up" by Travis Hunter. These three books are ...

E-Books and Life Without Guilt
Wall Street Journal
Electronic versions do not taunt you from a pile like the books I've resolved to read in 2012. By DANNY HEITMAN My brother Randy, an avid reader since childhood, has gone for e-books in a big way. He loves their convenience and portability. ...

Warren Lehrer
The Atlantic
Have you heard of the jail-bird author Blue Mobley, who published 101 books during his lifetime, including Outsourcing Grandma, Semiotic Octopus, Peace Is Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Kill, and There Never Was a Good Old Days? Probably not. ...

Self publishing a book
Spencer Daily Reporter (blog)
How can I get a publisher interested in publishing my book? How many chapters should I have? What should I name each chapter? First thing I did was to research how to get a book published. Being a first time author any major publisher wouldn't be ...

The Brooks Blog: New books
By The Brooks Blog
London: Arrow Books, 2010. Paul Cairney, Understanding Public Policy: Theories and Issues. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Alastair Campbell, The Blair Years: Extracts from the Alastair Campbell Diairies. London: Arrow Books, 2007. Matt Cavanagh, Against Equality of Opportunity. Oxford: Oxford .... I've received many requests for some kind of journal rankings list from readers of my essay on publishing advice . Readers will be aware o... Thom Brooks on "After Fukushima ...
The Brooks Blog

Bananafish Books Have Expanded Their Online Store To An Actual ...
By spooooon
Bananafish Books have expanded their online store to an actual physical location in the northeastern port *spooooon. Bananafish Books have expanded their online store to an actual physical location in the northeastern port town of Dalian. ...
Joyfully Retired » My Favorite Books of 2011
By Margot
I love to plan ahead and anticipate which books I want to spend time with in the new year. I find it ... I can choose to read whatever books I feel like, no matter what their publishing date. ... It was also notable because of new-to-me authors. ...
Joyfully Retired

Reading Library books on an iPad or kindle
By jojergraphics
Related. How to Put Your Instructables E-Books On Your iPad by frenzy · Self-Publishing for the Kindle by egbertfitzwilly · Did you know that you can borrow and download eBooks from your local public library and… by abittner · Converting ...
Recent Instructables

Favorite Books Of 2011 | Paranormal Haven
By Paranormal Haven
With just days left in 2011, we decided to go back and pick our 6 favorite books (or series) that we read this year. They weren't all published in 2011 but we still enjoyed them. I know 6 seems like an odd number but I couldn't narrow my list ...
Paranormal Haven

Books I've read this year, edition…4? | Neurotic Physiology
By scicurious
At this point, I mostly post them to a) keep track of what I've read, cause I forget, and b) get recommendations from other people. I don't always get to take them, but I DO love recommendations! So here we go. I got up to 37 books this year. I always aim for 30, so I'm feeling pretty proud. And does anyone have .... I have to throw in a bit of extra eye rolling for all fantasy authors who try to throw in regional accents. It...it just never works. It's right up there with inventing new fantasy names by ...
Neurotic Physiology

Experimenting With Print Publishing With Alastair Humphreys | The ...
By joanna@TheCreativePenn.com (Joanna Penn)
Why ebooks are great value for money. How Alastair ... If you're new here and want the latest in writing, publishing option and internet marketing for authors, you might like to subscribe to receive email updates from The Creative Penn blog. ...
The Creative Penn

Books of 2011 | Scud In Real Life
By the scud
I still travel. I still watch movies and the latest episodes of my favorite TV shows but, same as blogging, it has temporarily taken a backseat in lieu of my active social life (haha) and readingbooks. To my surprise, I completed 20 books this year. ...
Scud In Real Life

Books Over Boys: Top 10 Characters In 2011
By Momo (Books Over Boys)
I like how I feature six characters form three authors, haha! Yeah, they're just that awesome! Well, tomorrow is the last day of Top 10 of 2011 and that post is the one where we look back and forward, all at once. It will consist of the Top 10 Books ...
Books Over Boys

Things That Don't Suck: Best Books Of 2011
By Bryce Wilson
Most Disapointing: Swamplandia: I've read worse books this year (see below) but none that were quite so dispiriting as watching this lively original novel sink in a mix of grad school clichés in the final third. Like watching one of Russell's indomitable Bigtrees take a perfect swan dive off the highboard only to plunge ... Fitting tributes to two of the finest Raconteurs American letters have produced. Both of these volumes capture the authors in all of their complexity. Both their unassailable ...
Things That Don't Suck

Alan Cranis' Best Books of 2011
By Alan Cranis
COWBOYS by Gary Phillips and Brian Hurtt — Demonstrates how a graphic novel can effectively and memorably present a complex and involving story when using the talents of one of crime fiction's finest and most underrated authors, along ...

eBooks & eLearning | AvaxHome
120301 Books Available for Instant Download! ... That's why we started our eBooks section to provide an ability to improve your skills and that's also why we are ...

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