CBS News
(CBS/AP) VATICAN CITY - The Vatican on Monday sharply criticized a book on sexuality written by a prominent American nun, saying it contradicted church teaching on issues like masturbation, homosexuality and marriage and that its author had a ...
CBS News
Vatican critical of US nun's book on sexual ethics
BBC News
The Vatican has sharply criticised a book written by a US nun and theologian on sexual ethics. The Holy See's orthodoxy office said the 2005 book, Just Love, by Sister Margaret Farley posed "grave harm" to the faithful.

BBC News
Vatican warns against errors in Mercy nun's 2006 book on sexual ethics
Catholic News Service
By Nancy Frazier O'Brien WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith warned June 4 that Mercy Sister Margaret Farley's 2006 book, "Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics," contains "erroneous propositions" on ...
Theologian's book a wide-ranging study
National Catholic Reporter
By Joshua J. McElwee Mercy Sr. Margaret Farley's 2006 book Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics (NCR photo/Joshua J. McElwee) Mercy Sr. Margaret Farley, whose book Just Love was sharply criticized by the Vatican on Monday, ...

National Catholic Reporter
BBC News
The Vatican has sharply criticised a book written by a US nun and theologian on sexual ethics. The Holy See's orthodoxy office said the 2005 book, Just Love, by Sister Margaret Farley posed "grave harm" to the faithful.
BBC News
Vatican warns against errors in Mercy nun's 2006 book on sexual ethics
Catholic News Service
By Nancy Frazier O'Brien WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith warned June 4 that Mercy Sister Margaret Farley's 2006 book, "Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics," contains "erroneous propositions" on ...
Theologian's book a wide-ranging study
National Catholic Reporter
By Joshua J. McElwee Mercy Sr. Margaret Farley's 2006 book Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics (NCR photo/Joshua J. McElwee) Mercy Sr. Margaret Farley, whose book Just Love was sharply criticized by the Vatican on Monday, ...
National Catholic Reporter
E-books rewrite the rules for book industry
While e-book production costs vary widely from book to book and publisher to publisher, they can sometimes be very cheap (in the case of backlist print books converted to e-books) or sometimes more expensive than print book production (in the case of ...
Does Oprah still have her book mojo?
Christian Science Monitor
Oprah calls her new book club "way different from the old book club," saying, "This time it's an interactive, online club for our digital world." Publishers, book publicists,authors: rejoice. The Queen of book promotion is back.
Christian Science Monitor
Publishing industry gathers for annual convention
Boston Herald
The number of books sold through mid-May by around 500 ABA stores increased by 13.4 percent compared to last year. "We are more than holding our own," Teicher says. Thousands of booksellers, publishers, authors and agents are gathering this week at the ...
Publishing industry gathers for annual convention
Seattle Post Intelligencer
FILE - In this May 21, 2012 file photo, TV personality and author Stephen Colbert attends the 71st Annual Peabody Awards in New York. Colbert, author of "America Again: Re-becoming the Greatness We Never Weren't," will appear at BookExpo America on ...
Dennis Lehane picks first book for his imprint
Wall Street Journal
AP NEW YORK — Author Dennis Lehane has chosen a thriller by Attica Locke as the first book for his own imprint at HarperCollins. Locke's "The Cutting Season" will be published Sept. 18, HarperCollins announced Monday. The book is set in Louisiana and ...
Review: Author's writing is tighter, more vivid than ever in 'The Skeleton Box'
Washington Post
“The Skeleton Box: A Starvation Lake Mystery” (Touchstone Books), by Bryan Gruley: The mythical village of Starvation Lake, Mich., is an authentic realm of piney woods, deadman's curves, working-class bars, lakefront cottages, friendly neighbors, ...
Oprah Winfrey relaunching her book club
Detroit Free Press
Oprah Winfrey is restarting her book club via OWN TV and O magazine. / CHARLES SYKES/ASSOCIATED PRESS By BJ Hammerstein Just in time for summer, Oprah Winfrey's bookclub is back. Oprah's Book Club 2.0, a joint project of Winfrey's OWN network and her ...
Authors and Artists Can Sue Google as a Class
Courthouse News Service
This complaint claimed that Google had also infringed on their copyrights by reproducing their visual works in digitized books. Though Google had asked the court to dismiss the associations as plaintiffs for lack of standing, Chin refused last week.
New Book Proclaims the End of IT Autocracy, Rallies Information Managers to ...
MarketWatch (press release)
SILVER SPRING, MD, Jun 04, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- AIIM, the global community of information professionals, today released a free eBook titled, "#OccupyIT: A Technology Manifesto for Cloud, Mobile and Social Era." Written by AIIM President John ...
Dolly Parton to publish new book, 'Dream More'
Los Angeles Times
A new book by Dolly Parton is on the way from GP Putnam's Sons, the publisher announced today. "Dream More" is coming in November 2012, in time for the holidays. Described as a book of "inspirational wisdom," "Dream More" is based on a commencement ...
Lust, the Strongest Force in the Universe: Why Women Are Obsessing Over Fifty ...
Huffington Post (blog)
Why are so many women reading a book about sexual submission in an age of feminine liberation? No one can seem to answer the question satisfactorily. Several national magazines have tackled the question. Women worked so hard to achieve parity with men ...
Book on Alex Rodriguez gets put on hiatus
USA TODAY (blog)
Cramer has been working for three years on "The Importance of Being Alex: A Life With the Yankees" and the book was due to be published in 2014. Unlike the Dimaggiobook, Cramer was getting cooperation on the book from Rodriguez. "The thing with abook ...
USA TODAY (blog)
On-Demand eBook Service for K-12 Schools Announced from Brain Hive, LLC
MarketWatch (press release)
The online service, eponymously named Brain Hive(TM), will offer unlimited access to an eBookcollection valued at over $100000 from respected children's publishers. Students and educators may check out eBooks from Brain Hive on demand, ...
Oprah's New Book Club Is Different But the Same; Sex Is Better in E-Books
The Atlantic Wire
Today in books and publishing: Oprah's book club is back, e-books stands for "erotic," and the Vatican does not approve of nuns talking sex. Oprah's book club is back. Did you hear? Oprah's book club is back! Remember the halcyon days of Oprah's book ...
The Atlantic Wire
Oprah's Book Club is back, Carly Simon memoir
USA TODAY's Susan Page talks with the teacher about her personal story, just days after she spoke to Michelle Obama about her new book. --Oprah 2.0: Oprah's back in the book world! A special e-book version of the first selection of Oprah's Book Club ...
Nun's book on sex poses 'grave harm' to Catholics, says Vatican
Toronto Star
The Vatican's orthodoxy office said the book, “Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics” by Sister Margaret Farley, a member of the Sisters of Mercy religious order and emeritus professor of Christian ethics at Yale Divinity School, ...
Toronto Star
Bilbary Expands E-book Library To Offer A Complete Solution For Consumers ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Bilbary will carry all e-books offered by these publishers and their subsidiaries which includes 40000 titles, raising the total number of titles in the library to more than 375000. "We are pleased to partner with these publishers thus allowing us to ...
Oprah's Book Club By the Numbers
Daily Beast
As the talk-show titan prepares to launch a new, tech-savvy version of her once-popularbook club, The Daily Beast rounds up the numbers on the endorsement that helped bring literature to the masses. A year after Oprah Winfrey closed the book on her ...
Daily Beast
Book Review: Vital Voices
That is something Vital Voices president and CEO Alyse Nelson makes us aware of in a leadershipbook that hits bookstands tomorrow, Vital Voices: The Power of Women Leading Change Around the World. It too has five elements: mission, community, ...
News Summary: Independent booksellers' sales up
Sacramento Bee
SALES UP: Books sold through mid-May by around 500 ABA stores rose 13.4 percent compared from a year ago, according to Nielsen BookScan. ANNUAL CONVENTION: Thousands of booksellers, publishers, authors and agents are gathering this week for the ...
Fifty Shades of Shame: Why Sex Sells Better on E-Books
Wall Street Journal (blog)
With e-books, there's no shame in the game. Pay Dirt writes “One-in-three romantic and erotic books sold last year were e-books, according to the Romance Writers of America. That's compared to one in five for books overall, according to the American ...
Wall Street Journal (blog)
Vatican slams nun's book on homosexuality, masturbation
Times of India
VATICAN CITY: The Vatican slammed a "sexual morality" book written by an American Catholic nun on Monday, warning believers to stay away from the tome which justifies masturbation, homosexuality and divorce. Margaret Farley's 2006 book "Just Love - A ...
Author of Children's Book Opens Online Store for Book Sales alongside ...
MarketWatch (press release)
LAGUNA WOODS, Calif., June 4, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Author of the Children's bookYou can, you can!, and President of Bestmann Green Energy LLC, Dr. Lawrence P. Bestmann, PhD, opened a new online store today, selling a variety of health and ...
Business Mentor Heidi Sloss, Author of the Best-Selling Book "Fortune is in ...
MarketWatch (press release)
NEW YORK, June 4, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Heidi BK Sloss, Author, Speaker and Business Mentor, will appear at Book Expo America (BEA) in New York City, NY, June 5 - 7, 2012. Heidi will be available to answer questions and talk about her ...
John Lewis book signing, Air Force Cycling Classic: Free and Easy
Washington Post (blog)
John Lewis, D-Ga., seen speaking at the groundbreaking for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture in February, will sign his new book this week. (Charles Dharapak/AP) Our picks for the best free events this week, ...
Michelle Obama's White House Kitchen Garden Book is Not For ...
By Ramon Gonzalez
Michelle Obama's first-ever book, "American Grown," offers a behind-the-scenes look at the White House kitchen garden -- but leaves the how-to details out.
Latest Items from TreeHugger
By Ramon Gonzalez
Michelle Obama's first-ever book, "American Grown," offers a behind-the-scenes look at the White House kitchen garden -- but leaves the how-to details out.
Latest Items from TreeHugger
Real Clear Politics' Second E-Book On 2012 Election Benefits From ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
The Fox News producer's outburst is one of several eye-catching moments in a new e-book by Real Clear Politics authors Tom Bevan and Carl Cannon. "Election 2012: A Time For Choosing," on sale Monday, is the second installment in RCP's e-book series on the 2012 campaign, which is competing with Politico's own series, by Mike Allen and Evan Thomas. Politico's second release came out two months ago. The difference in timing has resulted in two very different books.
The Full Feed from
Why read books if we can't remember what's in them? - arvindn
By Arvind Narayanan
The other obvious answer is that reading a book reshapes your thinking in some way. Indeed, the article goes on to quote an “expert” who “totally believes” you're a “different person” for having readbooks even if you don't retain anything, with ...
Arvind Narayanan's journal
XDA releases Android Hacker's Toolkit book, available for $21!
By Adrian Diaconescu
That's probably exactly what Jason Tyler and Will Verduzco asked themselves when they started working on the “XDA Developers' Android Hacker's Toolkit” book, released yesterday, and available for purchase both in “physical” and e-book ...
Android Authority
My worst ebook year ever: an update on spending from the ebook ...
By Joanna
I have been curious to see whether buying ebooks was cheaper than buying paper, so I log money spent and books read on a spreadsheet and then divide the number to get my total cost per book. I am at about $9 a read right now and expect ...
TeleRead: News and views on e-books,...
Before Watchmen TV commercial debuts | Robot 6 @ Comic Book ...
By Kevin Melrose
Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources - Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment. ... “We realized that the books needed to be available as soon as people saw the ad,” he tells Fast Company. The spot will air during such programs as The ...
Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources...
Vatican warns faithful against Sister's book on sexual ethics ...
By Nancy Frazier OBrien
The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has said that Mercy Sister Margaret Farley's 2006 book, “Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics”, contains “erroneous propositions” on homosexual acts, same-sex marriage, ... » CatholicHeral...
Kris Holm MUni Book « – Backcountry Skiing ...
By Andrew
If you have ever wondered about trying mountain unicycling, this book is an excellent place to start. It is concise, well laid out and has some great pointers, although as Kris mentions, there are no real short-cuts to learning how to ride. A quick ... - Backcountry...
Question – Who Are Some Of Your 'Someday Authors'? | Yummy ...
By Julie
The Taken is the first book in a new trilogy she is writing and when I heard she was starting a new story I jumped at the chance to read her. I tend to do that… If I notice that one of the authors who resides on my 'someday author' list is releasing ...
Yummy Men and Kick Ass Chicks
The Hobbit: In One Picture | 101 Books
By Robert
Tags: 101 books blog, art, books, j.r.r. tolkien, novels, reading, the hobbit. From: News ... 5 FamousAuthors & Their Controversies ... Subscribe to 101 Books by Email ... Currently Reading Book #43... Connect With 101 Books on Facebook!
101 Books
Book Shelves #23, 6.03.2012 | biblioklept
By Biblioklept
Book Shelves #23, 6.03.2012. by Biblioklept. 20120603-185137.jpg. Book shelves series #23, twenty-third Sunday of 2012. Okay. So, a bit later than usual getting this in. It's the daughter's birthday and I'm recovering from a Saturday party and I' ve been out in the garden other day and some other excuses. Toni Morrison, Zora Neale Hurston, James Weldon Johnson, Harry Crews, Flannery O'Connor—and then some books that seem misshelved. Calvino used to hang out with Umberto ...
Conservative Authors Blame The Republicans For Congressional ...
The book describes the Republican Party as “an insurgent outlier … ideologically extreme; ... Theauthors of It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American ...
Follow @jmichaelpoole
By Biblioklept
Book Shelves #23, 6.03.2012. by Biblioklept. 20120603-185137.jpg. Book shelves series #23, twenty-third Sunday of 2012. Okay. So, a bit later than usual getting this in. It's the daughter's birthday and I'm recovering from a Saturday party and I' ve been out in the garden other day and some other excuses. Toni Morrison, Zora Neale Hurston, James Weldon Johnson, Harry Crews, Flannery O'Connor—and then some books that seem misshelved. Calvino used to hang out with Umberto ...
Conservative Authors Blame The Republicans For Congressional ...
The book describes the Republican Party as “an insurgent outlier … ideologically extreme; ... Theauthors of It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American ...
Follow @jmichaelpoole
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