Penguin owner buys self-publisher Author Solutions
LONDON (Reuters) - Penguin books owner Pearson took a big step into the fast-growing world of self-publishing on Thursday by buying Author Solutions Inc (ASI) from Bertram Capital for $116 million in cash. Pearson said the deal gave it a leading position in a sector that has entered the ...Formed in 2007, ASI has enabled 150000 authors to publish, market and distribute more than 190000 books in print and electronic formats, Pearson said. "This acquisition will allow Penguin to participate fully in perhaps the ...
LONDON (Reuters) - Penguin books owner Pearson took a big step into the fast-growing world of self-publishing on Thursday by buying Author Solutions Inc (ASI) from Bertram Capital for $116 million in cash. Pearson said the deal gave it a leading position in a sector that has entered the ...Formed in 2007, ASI has enabled 150000 authors to publish, market and distribute more than 190000 books in print and electronic formats, Pearson said. "This acquisition will allow Penguin to participate fully in perhaps the ...
The Stupendous Growth of E-Books in 2011; Will It Continue?
Once e-book revenue reaches, say, 50% of total trade publishing revenue, that will mean that a lot of support businesses like packagers, distributors and, of course, bricks-and-mortar retailers will have a different paradigm under which to operate — not to ... however, suggests that growth in e-book sales could continue as massive companies like Amazon, Apple and Google continue to emphasize digital content on their tablet platforms (even though tablet owners may read fewer e-books than e-readerowners).
Once e-book revenue reaches, say, 50% of total trade publishing revenue, that will mean that a lot of support businesses like packagers, distributors and, of course, bricks-and-mortar retailers will have a different paradigm under which to operate — not to ... however, suggests that growth in e-book sales could continue as massive companies like Amazon, Apple and Google continue to emphasize digital content on their tablet platforms (even though tablet owners may read fewer e-books than e-readerowners).
Net sales of e-books jumped to 15 percent of the market in 2011 from 6 percent in 2010, according to a report by the Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group. ... has been more upbeat recently about the growth of ebooks, but the industry has been fearful over the impact of Borders, once the second largest U.S. book retailer, liquidating its 40-year-old business in September, as well as the U.S. Justice Department suing Apple Inc and major book publishers in April over fixing ebook prices.
Pearson Acquires Self-Publishing Vendor Author Solutions For $116 Million
Publishers Weekly
... distribution to selected ASI authors through Penguin's channels. Last year Penguin was the first conventional publisher to launch its own self-publishing service, Book Country, and they've followed that landmark venture with the acquisition of Author Solutions, a self-publishing firm with around 1600 employees, revenue of just under $100 million in 2011 and that that has published nearly 200000 books by more than 150000 authors in print and e-book formats. The company has net income of $4.2 million laat year.
Apple must publish notice Samsung didn't copy iPad in UK
Washington Post
July 19 (Bloomberg) -- Apple Inc. was ordered by a judge to publish a notice on its U.K. website and in British newspapers alerting people to a ruling that Samsung Electronics Co. didn't copy designs for the iPad. The notice should outline the July 9 London ...
Pearson acquires leading self-publisher, Author Solutions Inc., for $116 million
Washington Post
Pearson announced Thursday that it had acquired Author Solutions Inc. for $116 million. AuthorSolutions, a Bloomington, Ind.-based company that has released self-published works by some 150000 authors, will become part of the Pearson-owned Penguin ...
Some good news for the book business
Christian Science Monitor
'Encyclopedia Brown' author Donald J. Sobol remembered ... E-book sales and revenues more than doubled between 2010 and 2011, from 125 million e-books sold in 2010 accounting for $869 million in revenues to 388 million e-books sold in 2011 accounting for more than $2 billion in revenues. ... “I would never dare to call an industry healthy, but it certainly seems to be robust,” Dominique Raccah, thepublisher of Sourcebooks and co-chairwoman of the Book Industry Study Group, told the New York Times. “We ...
Christian Science Monitor
Penguin Acquires Self-Publishing Company
New York Times (blog)
Penguin has pushed into the booming self-publishing market by acquiring Author Solutions, based in a Bloomington, Ind., for $116 million, the two companies said on Thursday. Publishers, aware of the rise of self-published authors like the novelist Amanda Hocking, have scrambled to gain access to the big pool of people who are determined to release their own work without the blessing of a traditional publisher. The hope for Penguin ... From Penguin, a Plan to Make Its E-Books Available in New York City Libraries ...
Pearson to Acquire Author Solutions for $116M Cash
Wall Street Journal
LN), a provider of education and consumer publishing services, said Thursday it acquired AuthorSolutions Inc from Bertram Capital for 116 million dollars in cash, adding that it expects the acquisition to enhance adjusted earnings per share in its first full year.
Briefs: Youth e-book sales more than double
The Detroit News
E-books jumped from 6 percent of the market to 15 percent and e-revenue for new adult fiction is now higher than the revenue for hardcovers. Sales for books overall dropped 2.5 percent to $27.2 billion and 12.6 percent at physical stores, thanks in part to the ...
Senator says Apple e-book suit has 'empowered monopolists'
The Department of Justice brought the lawsuit against Apple in April alleging that the tech giant and a group of book publishers colluded to illegally fix e-book prices to boost profits and force e-book rival Amazon to abandon its discount pricing. The suit also alleges that Apple ... They could allow theirbooks to be sold at the prices Amazon set, thus undercutting their own current hardcopy sales and the future pricing expectations for digital books--or stay out of the e-books market entirely. In an increasingly digital age, ...
Author Solutions acquired by Pearson for $116M
Indianapolis Business Journal
Author Solutions, a self publisher, also has offices in Indianapolis and in the Philippines and is owned by private-equity firm Bertram Capital in San Mateo, Calif. Bertram acquired the business ... Author Solutions, founded in 1997, has published 150000 authors and nearly 190000 titles. It employs about 400 people ... “Self-publishing has moved into the mainstream of our industry over the past three years,” John Makinson, CEO of Pearson's Penguin book unit, said in a prepared statement. “This acquisition will allow ...
Indianapolis Business Journal
Pearson to buy Author Solutions for $116M Cash
LONDON--Pearson PLC , a provider of education and consumer publishing services, said Thursday it acquired Author Solutions Inc from Bertram Capital for 116 million dollars in cash, adding that it expects the acquisition to enhance adjusted earnings per ...
Authors Sue Harlequin Enterprises for eBook Royalties
National Geographic Society is looking for a Associate Managing Editor. next job Greenleaf Book Group is looking for a Publishing Assistant. next job Penguin Group (USA) is looking for a Publicity Manager-Penguin Press. next job Zola Books is looking for a ... Instead of paying the authors a royalty of 50% of its net receipts as required by the agreements, an intercompany license was created by Harlequin with its Swiss entity resulting in authors receiving 3% to 4% of the e-books' cover price as their 50% share ...
Ahn's Book Hints At Presidential Run
Wall Street Journal (blog)
The big political news of the day is that Ahn Chul-soo, the doctor-turned-businessman-turned-professor who now paints himself as a reluctant politician, released a bookcalled “Ahn Chul-soo's Thoughts” that many people think is a sign he's going to enter the ...
Wall Street Journal (blog)
Ebook sales skyrocketed in 2011: industry
Last year, ebooks accounted for some six percent of overall publishing revenues. The number ofebooks also doubled to 388 million, and represented 15.5 percent of total books sold in the "trade sector," meaning fiction and non-fiction for adults and children.
Book Talk-Boyd focuses on psychoanalysis, wartime intelligence
NEW YORK, July 19 (Reuters) - For more than 30 years, author William Boyd has won acclaim for writing complexly plotted page-turners often set in unique historical milieus, from World War One-era East Africa to 1936 Los Angeles. His latest novel, "Waiting for ... I went to Vienna four times while I was writing the book; walked the streets, accumulated quite a library of books to serve my purpose. I'm a realistic novelist. The world of my ... Q: What separates literary from commercial fiction? A: "The worse the book the ...
Oprah's Book Club 2.0 goes digital
When Oprah Winfrey, then the brightest star on daytime TV, began her book club in 1996, inexpensive e-books and e-readers seemed more futurist rumor than everyday reality. Social media could have meant friendly reporters. "I love this book": Oprah ...

Penguin buys self-publishing service Author Solutions for $116m
Book publisher Penguin is embracing self-publishing with its acquisition of Author Solutions, Inc. (ASI). This morning, Penguin parent company Pearson announced that it has purchased the company from Bertram Capital for $116 million. Author Solutions ...
Sales of e-books double in a year, survey says
CBS News
And so are novels for young people, which seem to attracting a much wider audience these days. Sales of e-books more than doubled from 2010 to 2011, according to an industry survey of nearly 2000 publishers released Wednesday. E-books jumped from 6...

CBS News
Timothy Geithner Peppered TARP Inspector General Barofsky With F-Bombs: Book
Huffington Post
It's one of the juicier episodes in Barofsky's new book, "Bailout: An Inside Account Of How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street." The book recounts Barofsky's front-row view of how the Bush and Obama administrations handled the ...
9 Books That Make You Undateable
Huffington Post
Date Books. There's a lot of red tape to cut through before completely committing to a relationship: There's the ex talk, the meeting of the parents, and if you're a literature nerd there's the unavoidable conversation about your respective favorite books. ... “What's your favorite book?” I asked. “I mean, of all time. Any subject. Favorite book. Go.” Without hesitation, she said: “1984,” then quickly, “by George Orwell.” I suppose she didn't want me to confuse it with the Danielle Steele version. I was irritated. 1984? What a drag ...
Cleveland DJs hold 'Fifty Shades of Grey' book burning
New York Daily News
“This isn't censorship, it's completely voluntary,” he said. “We weren't criticizing it from any literary standpoint because that's not why anyone's reading it.” For safety's sake, the book burners gathered on a sand volleyball pit and had the local fire department ...

New York Daily News
Google Play Books starts a new chapter in France -- Engadget
By Joseph Volpe
Starting today, the land of Jerry Lewis lovers will have access to books on Google Play, making it the fifth European country to participate in Mountain View's online ebook store. Initially, the available catalog of domestic titles will count in the ...
NEW YORK, July 19 (Reuters) - For more than 30 years, author William Boyd has won acclaim for writing complexly plotted page-turners often set in unique historical milieus, from World War One-era East Africa to 1936 Los Angeles. His latest novel, "Waiting for ... I went to Vienna four times while I was writing the book; walked the streets, accumulated quite a library of books to serve my purpose. I'm a realistic novelist. The world of my ... Q: What separates literary from commercial fiction? A: "The worse the book the ...
Oprah's Book Club 2.0 goes digital
When Oprah Winfrey, then the brightest star on daytime TV, began her book club in 1996, inexpensive e-books and e-readers seemed more futurist rumor than everyday reality. Social media could have meant friendly reporters. "I love this book": Oprah ...
Penguin buys self-publishing service Author Solutions for $116m
Book publisher Penguin is embracing self-publishing with its acquisition of Author Solutions, Inc. (ASI). This morning, Penguin parent company Pearson announced that it has purchased the company from Bertram Capital for $116 million. Author Solutions ...
Sales of e-books double in a year, survey says
CBS News
And so are novels for young people, which seem to attracting a much wider audience these days. Sales of e-books more than doubled from 2010 to 2011, according to an industry survey of nearly 2000 publishers released Wednesday. E-books jumped from 6...
CBS News
Timothy Geithner Peppered TARP Inspector General Barofsky With F-Bombs: Book
Huffington Post
It's one of the juicier episodes in Barofsky's new book, "Bailout: An Inside Account Of How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street." The book recounts Barofsky's front-row view of how the Bush and Obama administrations handled the ...
9 Books That Make You Undateable
Huffington Post
Date Books. There's a lot of red tape to cut through before completely committing to a relationship: There's the ex talk, the meeting of the parents, and if you're a literature nerd there's the unavoidable conversation about your respective favorite books. ... “What's your favorite book?” I asked. “I mean, of all time. Any subject. Favorite book. Go.” Without hesitation, she said: “1984,” then quickly, “by George Orwell.” I suppose she didn't want me to confuse it with the Danielle Steele version. I was irritated. 1984? What a drag ...
Cleveland DJs hold 'Fifty Shades of Grey' book burning
New York Daily News
“This isn't censorship, it's completely voluntary,” he said. “We weren't criticizing it from any literary standpoint because that's not why anyone's reading it.” For safety's sake, the book burners gathered on a sand volleyball pit and had the local fire department ...
New York Daily News
Google Play Books starts a new chapter in France -- Engadget
By Joseph Volpe
Starting today, the land of Jerry Lewis lovers will have access to books on Google Play, making it the fifth European country to participate in Mountain View's online ebook store. Initially, the available catalog of domestic titles will count in the ...
What Causes “Old Book Smell”? - Mental Floss
By Matt Soniak
What Causes “Old Book Smell”? ... “A combination of grassy notes with a tang of acids and a hint of vanilla over an underlying mustiness” is how an international team of chemists describes the unique odor of old books in a study. Poetic, sure ...
Penguin India launches ebooks | TeleRead: News and views on e ...
By Paul Biba
Penguin Books India has launched its first tranche of eBooks. This will be the first extensive list of Indian ebooks to be published internationally by an Indian publisher and will be available from all the major international ebook retailers – Amazon , Apple, Kobo and Google, Gardners, Sony, OLF, Apabi, Go ... Over the course of the following months the publisher will continue to publish the remaining backlist while publishing its front list simultaneously in both print and ebook editions.
TeleRead: News and views on e-books,...
Memo to DOJ: Drop the Apple E-Books Suit - Sen. Charles E ...
By Sen. Charles E. Schumer
Recently the Department of Justice filed suit against Apple and major publishers, alleging that they colluded to raise prices in the digital books market. While the claim sounds plausible on its face, the suit could wipe out the publishing industry ...
SPONSOR: New International SEO eBook from HubSpot
By Frank Reed
SEO is something that gets more and more complicated as we continue to watch the intersection of search, social and just about everything else in the online space. This is something that can be troubling for those that are primarily marketing ...
Marketing Pilgrim - Internet...
House Dems meet with authors of book blaming GOP for dysfunction ...
By Mike Lillis
The authors of a book that blames Republicans for dysfunction in Washington joined House Democrats for their conference meeting on Wednesday. Afterwards, authors Norman Ornstein and Thomas Mann echoed Democrats in bashing the ...
Top News
By Mike Lillis
The authors of a book that blames Republicans for dysfunction in Washington joined House Democrats for their conference meeting on Wednesday. Afterwards, authors Norman Ornstein and Thomas Mann echoed Democrats in bashing the ...
Top News
Pearson To Buy Self-Publishing Firm Author Solutions For $116M ...
By Dianna Dilworth
National Geographic Society is looking for a Associate Managing Editor. next job Greenleaf BookGroup is looking for a Publishing Assistant. next job Penguin Group (USA) is looking for a Publicity Manager-Penguin Press. next job Zola Books ...
Google Play Books now available in France | Android Community
By Cory Gunther
For now all this means is those in France can now enjoy free books, or rent your favorite Harry Potterbook on the Play Store and enjoy it on your Android smartphone, tablet, PC and even those iDevices. More details provided at the source link ...
Android Community
Melville House Books » Book industry alive and kicking, new report ...
By Valerie Merians
E-Book sales doubled from 2010 to 2011. The most significant growth was in Adult Fiction, where e-books ranked #1 in net dollars over all other individual print and electronic formats. Total e-book net sales were $2.074 billion, making it 15% ...
Melville House Books
The Book, Free The Animal, 2nd Edition (and: Do You Want to ...
By Richard Nikoley
Isn't it cool that with eBooks, you can go to 2nd Edition only 6 months after publishing the first? ... I have zero of these constraints, and while you can have a dead-tree-version of my book, it's print on demand; so even that supply is just as endless —albeit more costly—as are the eBook versions (Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iBooks and PDF). ... But here's another thing: I'm actually the best selling—or very nearly so—author for Hyperink, my publisher: with hundreds of books published so far.
Free the Animal
E-Book Nonfiction - Best Sellers - The New York Times
Browse best seller lists, book reviews & news for authors, fiction & non-fiction, ... Best Sellers> E-BOOK NONFICTION ... This Week, E-Book Nonfiction, Weeks ... The author recalls a bizarre childhood during which she and her siblings were ... from leading online vendors of e-books in a variety of popular e-reader formats.
Browse best seller lists, book reviews & news for authors, fiction & non-fiction, ... Best Sellers> E-BOOK NONFICTION ... This Week, E-Book Nonfiction, Weeks ... The author recalls a bizarre childhood during which she and her siblings were ... from leading online vendors of e-books in a variety of popular e-reader formats.
Former Boulder DA investigator writes JonBenet Ramsey book - The ...
The title of Kolar's book references the ransom note found in the Ramsey home, ... But in his book, Kolar talks about how cobwebs and glass indicate the ... "We're not going to file charges on theories or books or people speculating back and ...
My Favorite John Grisham Books (6 books)
6 books based on 1 votes: The Litigators by John Grisham, The Confession by John Grisham, ...Goodreads: Book reviews, recommendations, and discussion ...
Sports books — The Horn Book
Recommended sports books for children and teens, all published within the last several years and reviewed by The Horn Book Magazine.
Online Storytime by Barnes & Noble - Barnes & Noble
Best of the MonthExplore our hand-picked list of new books that stand out as the .... Belovedauthor/illustrator Eric Carle reads his classic children's picture book ...
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