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Book Review | Paterno: JoePa, Sandusky weren't close
Columbus Dispatch
In a case of poor literary timing, he set out to write this book, with Paterno's cooperation, in 2011 — before the Sandusky scandal broke. The book's best chapter, and the one many people will turn to first, is titled simply “Sandusky.” Paterno hired ...
Columbus Dispatch
Book Review: For Keeps: A Sam Moore Mystery by Aaron Paul Lazar (blog)
Regardless of the subject matter, Aaron Lazar's smooth, utterly readable prose never fails to draw the reader in. For Keeps features retired doctor Sam Moore, who Lazar fans will remember from Healy's Cave and Terror Comes Knocking. All Sam wants to do ...
Book Review : Stranger In The Room by Amanda Kyle Williams (blog)
Avoiding the sophomore jinx, Amanda Kyle Williams' Keye Street remains the most interesting, cynically funny and smart series detective today. Keye entered the arena in last year's knockout debut, The Stranger You Seek: A Novel (reviewed here ... (blog)
Book review: 'Wards of Faerie' will charm fantasy fans
Worcester Telegram
The best fantasy novels immerse readers in an unusual, yet familiar world, and the Four Lands chronicled in Brooks' Shannara books highlight a jagged and potentially dangerous landscape. The classics in the genre also reveal strong and sympathetic ...
Book Review: Ka-Boom! by Alyce Joy Rininger (blog)
Ka-Boom! is a unique fantasy fairy tale adventure for kids with a few important messages. It is abook that the reluctant reader will be entranced by and one that a child won't be able to put down. The illustrator, Diane Lucas, does a marvelous job ...
BOOK REVIEW: 'Mark Twain and the Colonel'
Washington Times
Philip McFarland's book “Mark Twain and the Colonel” is a hybrid biography of two of the most colorful figures of their era and a fascinating look at America at the beginning of the 20th century. Both Twain (Samuel Clemens, 1835-1910) and Teddy ...
Washington Times
Book review: Crime novel 'Vengeance' probes existential mysteries
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
The shape of the plot soon becomes clear to sharp readers, a story that's similar to the crime of Black's last book, "A Death in Summer" in which a prominent businessman apparently kills himself. In both books, Quirke is quickly seduced by the ...
Book review: Results Without Authority
By Elizabeth
Project team members are like library books. They are expert in a ... and metrics. The second part of the book looks at the project management lifecycle and how you can use process, influence and metrics to your advantage during the project.
A Girl's Guide to Project Management
PhiloBiblos: Book Review: "The Mansion of Happiness"
As Lepore notes in the preface, a "history of life and death ... could include just about anything" (xi), so with a few bits of transition text thrown in to tie the different articles together, she's got herself abook. Lepore's introduction, "The Mansion of Happiness" (originally ... JBD: Reviews of books old and new; news and commentary on book history, library culture, digital humanities, archives and related subjects. Written by Jeremy Dibbell, a bibliophile, haunter of used bookstores, and Rare ...
desire to inspire - - Book review
There is a new book coming out August 28th called The First Apartment Book that I received a rcopy of recently, and I wanted to share it with you all because it's ...
A Daily Dose of Architecture: Book Review: Precedents in Architecture
Book Review: Precedents in Architecture. Precedents in Architecture: Analytic Diagrams, Formative Ideas, and Partis (Fourth Edition) by Roger H. Clark and ...
Dinosaur Art book review « Dave Hone's Archosaur Musings
I'm sure a good number of readers will be well aware that there is a new book on it's way to the shelves for mid September on palaeoart and more specifically, ...
Best-seller grips Bahrain readers
Gulf Daily News
BOOKWORMS have turned up the heat this summer with a controversial erotic novel topping thebest-seller list in Bahrain. Fifty Shades of Grey by British author E L James has become The New York Times number one best-seller this year and has spent ...
The Bubble Economy
Town Hall
Dr. Tom Woods could have not predicated a better time to be releasing an adaption of his #1 NY Times Bestseller, Meltdown into a film adaption, The Bubble. Collaborating with director Jimmy Morrison, Woods makes the iconoclastic case that the free ...
Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia Tops Amazon Best-Seller List
I may not always read books, but when I do, they are historical documentaries of fictitious gaming worlds. The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia will be published by Dark Horse and contains an in-depth look at the Zelda timeline, concept art from all of ...
Macomber launches new series of books
Minneapolis Star Tribune
The beloved and best-selling author of novels that manage to be both homey and romantic lives in a Victorian building in Washington state, and writes in a high room surrounded by windows. It seems just the place to dream up her stories about plucky...
Minneapolis Star Tribune
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia Tops Amazon's Best-Seller List
Publishers Weekly (via: ANN) report that the book has jumped to the top of Amazon USA'sbest-sellers list in the “Books” category, based on pre-orders. This is despite the fact that the book won't be available until January 2013. The Legend of Zelda ...
Shades of Grey at B&N
Wall Street Journal (blog)
The erotic trilogy that kicked off with “Fifty Shades of Grey” has topped bestseller lists, selling a combined 11 million paperback copies in the U.S. since the books' April release, according to Nielsen. Barnes & Noble cited the series during its ...
The Hunger Games beats out Harry Potter as top book series on Amazon
Amazon announced Friday that the popular trilogy The Hunger Games has overtaken the Harry Potter books as the best-selling book series. Debuting in 2008, Katniss Everdeen, heroine of The Hunger Games trilogy, helped to boost the series to the top spot ...
From Reddit subreddit to Amazon bestseller. | MetaFilter
By humph
"Penpal" - from Reddit subreddit to Amazon bestseller. When Dathan Auerbach, aka 1000vultures, posted the first in a series of beautifully told tales making sense of his unsettling childhood memories on the Reddit subreddit NoSleep ["a place ...
DBW's New eBook Best Seller List is the Work of a VP at HarperCollins
By Nate Hoffelder
For the first time ever there was a single best seller list for ebooks which tried to reflect the relative standings of all the major US ebookstores. The new list is based on a system developed by Dan Lubart at his startup company Iobyte's eBook ...
The Digital Reader
Digital Book World Debuts E-Book Best-Seller List | Publishing ...
By Edward Nawotka
Digital Book World has built a proprietary E-Book Best Seller-List, powered exclusively by Iobyte Solutions, that is divided into price categories.
Publishing Perspectives

So you want a bestseller? If you're going to compete against 200000+ books per year in the ...
Agency Publishers and Pricing Top Debut DBW E-Book Best-Seller ...
Agency publishers and higher price points dominate the new Digital Book World e-book best-sellerlist, a new weekly venture from Digital Book World.
EXTRA ETHER: DBW's Best-Seller List | Jane Friedman
Bestseller list creation shouldn't be this complicated. .... In the Top 10 breakout for ebooks selling at $0 to $2.99, Sarah's Surrender by Lynda Chase is ranked No ...
DBW Launches eBook Best Seller List & Bases it on Unreliable Data ...
Now, I love data for its own sake, so I was deeply interested in the new best seller list. But as I read more about it I began to realize there were some issues.
'Fifty Shades' and e-book sales help Barnes & Noble shrink 1st-quarter loss
Washington Post
The erotic novels occupy the top three spots on The New York Times' list of best-selling print and e-book fiction. Executives at Barnes & Noble speaking during a conference call on Tuesday said that the company's bookstores also benefited from sales of ...
The Broken World of Book Publishing
Huffington Post
In a better ordered world, Amazon would charge half of their $14.99 for the e-book. That $7.50 would undercut the price from the charity after shipping. They should split the loot three ways: $2.50 to theauthor, $2.50 to the publisher, and $2.50 to ...
At a Book Party, Witches, Warlocks and a Wiccan Prayer Circle
New York Times (blog)
There were pagan luminaries like Margot Adler, author of the seminal 1979 neo-paganbook “Drawing Down the Moon” and a granddaughter of Alfred Adler, the pioneering Austrian psychotherapist who collaborated with Sigmund Freud. There was also Kaye...
New York Times (blog)
Fashion Ads of the 20th Century - Book from Taschen • Selectism
Those looking to relive the page flipping fashion advertisements of the past will enjoy this 730-pagebook from Taschen. Taschen 365, Day-by-Day, Fashion Ads ...
New Paterno book claims JoePa hated Sandusky. Not - Fark
New Paterno book claims JoePa hated Sandusky. Not because of the pedophilia, but because Sandusky was focusing more on the children than on football.
Nook ereaders and erotic fiction help B&N -
Barnes & Noble's introduction of Nook ebook readers has helped the company ... Barnes & Noblebook shop and online sales rose 2 per cent to $1.12bn while ... York, as investors and analysts questioned the future of the ereader business.
Working On An Ebook Using iBooks Author? These Template Packages Can ...
Cult of Mac
Although Apple pitched iBooks Author as a tool for educators, the company fully supports anyone who want to create an ebook using iBooks Author to do so. Apple also lets anyone that creates an ebook with ... The possibilities for iBooks Author are ...
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