Much of Bailout covers how incorrect this assumption was, and applied to the quote that begins this review, the Geithner Treasury (defended by Bush holdover Neel Kashkari in this instance) blocked efforts to force banks to disclose what they'd done ...
RJ Ellory: fake book reviews are rife on internet, authors warn
The 47 year-old, based in Birmingham, West Midlands, admitted he had used fake identities to write about his own work on the Amazon book site, giving himself five star ratings. Ellory, who went to ground today as he faced a deluge of criticism from...
Book Review: I Am a Magical Teenage Princess by Luke Geddes (blog)
Consider yourself forewarned. The rainbows-and-unicorns title of Luke Geddes' inspired and highly entertaining short story debut is misleading: I Am a Magical Teenage Princess will not necessarily be an ideal stocking stuffer for your own little... (blog)
Book Review: Geeky-Girly Innovation: A Japanese Subculturalist's Guide to ... (blog)
Geeky-Girly Innovation does not refer only to innovation for geeky girls. Morinosuke Kawaguchi uses the term geeky-girl to symbolize the nature of the Japanese people as a nation, and particularly in the otaku subculture. He says that because the ... (blog)
Book Review: Street Freak: A Memoir of Money and Madness by Jared Dillian (blog)
Street Freak: A Memoir of Money and Madness is a book from Jared Dillian that recounts his seven years as a trader on Wall Street for Lehman Brothers. From his earliest days with the firm on 9/11, where he witnessed the attacks from a vantage point ...
Book Review: Black Diamond by Martin Walker (blog)
Black Diamond is the third book in a mystery series by author Martin Walker. Dubbed a mystery of the French countryside, the recent paperback release from Vintage once again features Detective Bruno Courrèges, the only policeman in the small town of St. (blog)
Back to School Book Review: Middle School Survival Guides
ChicagoNow (blog)
This book aims to help girls navigate the course of middle school friendship with chapters like "To Clique or Not to Clique," "Stop Playing the Popularity Game!" and "Be the Best Friend You Can Be." I liked that it empowered girls to take matters into...

ChicagoNow (blog)
Book Review: The Organic Family Cookbook by Anni Daulter (blog)
When I first made the decision to actually cook my meals at home, rather than rely on boxed dinners and take-out, I went on a cookbook-buying rampage. With little food preparation experience behind me, I stalked thrift stores and picked up anything ... (blog)
Book Review: Effective Coaching by Marshall Cook, Laura Poole (blog)
At bottom, the book teaches that coaches need to structure work and then allow people to do the job without too much interference and micro-manaagement. Another important task is to match workers with tasks commensurate with their skills. Coaches need ...
Book Review 248: In Hock
Maui News (blog)
IN HOCK: Pawning in America from Independence through the Great Depression, by Wendy A. Woloson. 233 pages, illustrated. Chicago. Like a lot of people, social hisrorian Wendy Woloson had never been in a pawnshop, but she'd heard bad things about ...
Book Review - Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin
By Mike Vardy
Mike Vardy reviews Gretchen Rubin`s latest book, Happier at Home. ... Instead, the author builds upon her previous book, and as result she makes both books all the more accessible to a wider audience. Happier at Home describes her ...
Stepcase Lifehack (blog)
Geeky-Girly Innovation does not refer only to innovation for geeky girls. Morinosuke Kawaguchi uses the term geeky-girl to symbolize the nature of the Japanese people as a nation, and particularly in the otaku subculture. He says that because the ... (blog)
Book Review: Street Freak: A Memoir of Money and Madness by Jared Dillian (blog)
Street Freak: A Memoir of Money and Madness is a book from Jared Dillian that recounts his seven years as a trader on Wall Street for Lehman Brothers. From his earliest days with the firm on 9/11, where he witnessed the attacks from a vantage point ...
Book Review: Black Diamond by Martin Walker (blog)
Black Diamond is the third book in a mystery series by author Martin Walker. Dubbed a mystery of the French countryside, the recent paperback release from Vintage once again features Detective Bruno Courrèges, the only policeman in the small town of St. (blog)
Back to School Book Review: Middle School Survival Guides
ChicagoNow (blog)
This book aims to help girls navigate the course of middle school friendship with chapters like "To Clique or Not to Clique," "Stop Playing the Popularity Game!" and "Be the Best Friend You Can Be." I liked that it empowered girls to take matters into...
ChicagoNow (blog)
Book Review: The Organic Family Cookbook by Anni Daulter (blog)
When I first made the decision to actually cook my meals at home, rather than rely on boxed dinners and take-out, I went on a cookbook-buying rampage. With little food preparation experience behind me, I stalked thrift stores and picked up anything ... (blog)
Book Review: Effective Coaching by Marshall Cook, Laura Poole (blog)
At bottom, the book teaches that coaches need to structure work and then allow people to do the job without too much interference and micro-manaagement. Another important task is to match workers with tasks commensurate with their skills. Coaches need ...
Book Review 248: In Hock
Maui News (blog)
IN HOCK: Pawning in America from Independence through the Great Depression, by Wendy A. Woloson. 233 pages, illustrated. Chicago. Like a lot of people, social hisrorian Wendy Woloson had never been in a pawnshop, but she'd heard bad things about ...
Book Review - Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin
By Mike Vardy
Mike Vardy reviews Gretchen Rubin`s latest book, Happier at Home. ... Instead, the author builds upon her previous book, and as result she makes both books all the more accessible to a wider audience. Happier at Home describes her ...
Stepcase Lifehack
Book Review: Wicked Problems: Problems Worth Solving :: UXmatters
Many in the target audience for this book—comprising design educators and designers—might be a bit perplexed by the broad range of skills they would need to be effective social entrepreneurs. Kolko discusses not only skills and techniques, ...
Book Review: The City's Son by Tom Pollock | The Book Smugglers
By Ana
Expelled from school, betrayed by her best friend and virtually ignored by her dad, who's never recovered from the death of her mum, Beth Bradley retreats to the sanctuary of the streets, looking for a new home. What she finds is Filius Viae, ...
The Book Smugglers
Book Review: Legions of Rome | Open Letters Monthly - an Arts and ...
By Steve Donoghue
Book Review: Legions of Rome. By Steve DonoghueNo Comments Yet. Keeping Up with the Romans. Legions of Rome: The Definitive History of Every Imperial Roman Legion. by Stephen Dando-Collins. Thomas Dunne Books, 2012. One of ...
Open Letters Monthly - an Arts...
Book Review: Why Does the World Exist? - Slashdot
eldavojohn writes "For quite some time humans have struggled to answer the question why there is anything rather than nothing. Jim Holt's Why Does the World ...
Suri's Burn Book: Author Allie Hagan Talks About Suri Cruise–Inspired Tumblr
Popular Tumblr 'Suri's Burn Book' imagines the Cruise daughter as a snarky and sharp-witted style maven. Author Allie Hagan talks to Melissa Leon about the blog's new book—out today to upstage BeyoncĂ©'s birthday—and where she draws the line.
Co-Author: 'Bad Blood' Didn't Cause Ex-SEAL to Pen Bin Laden Book
ABC News
A group of former special operations servicemen claims that the ex-Navy SEAL who penned his firsthand account of the raid that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden did so in part because he thought the Navy had mistreated him shortly before his ...
ABC News
Author Frank Nappi Supports Soldiers And Their Families
The Herald |
For the month of SEPTEMBER, download a copy of author Frank Nappi's award winning Echoes from the Infantry from and Nappi will donate $1 to Operation Homefront for every copy sold. Operation Homefront provides emergency financial and ...
Author describes parenting's contradictions
Tucson Citizen
Red Cross chief meets Syria's Assad · Hokies get early leg up on division race · Survey finds broad interest in an Apple TV · Author describes parenting's contradictions · Duncan: Huge, and hugely talented · Isaac's rains help ease drought a little ...
EWI hosts author of 'Letting Go of Stuff' (blog)
The author, Darren L. Johnson, is a business consultant and will “share seven secrets for effectively networking, getting unstuck in business and for overcoming 'stuff' that interferes with moving forward in business and in life,” a news release said ...
'Fifty Shades of Grey' movie: Author casting Ryan Gosling as Christian Grey?
In latest “50 Shades” news, it was revealed this Labor Day that Niall Leonard, husband of bestselling author EL James, let slip some very interesting rumors over the week over who may be considered to be cast in the hotly anticipated lead role ...
Shulamith Firestone, author, dies
San Francisco Chronicle
Writer Shulamith Firestone, who published her influential "The Dialectic of Sex" at age 25 and then retreated into isolation and mental illness, has died at age 67. Ms. Firestone was found dead Tuesday in her Manhattan apartment, said her sister Laya ...
San Francisco Chronicle
A Conversation With Valarie Lovelight Author of Seeing Through the Eyes of Love
Today, Norm Goldman Publisher & Editor of is pleased to have as our guest Valarie Lovelight author of Seeing Through the Eyes of Love. Valarie is an Administrative Professional dealing with people who are sick, dying or has lost ...
'Why Have Kids?' author on parenting's contradictions
A high-profile feminist and founder of the website, Jessica Valenti is also married and the mother of a two-year-old. Valenti, 33, of Boston, spoke with USA TODAY's Sharon Jayson about her new book Why Have Kids?, which focuses on the ...
'2016: Obama's America' Author Dinesh D'Souza Fires Back at AP ...
By Todd Cunningham
Author Dinesh D'Souza, who wrote and co-directed “2016: Obama's America,” told TheWrap Monday that a recent Associated Press report “fact-checking” his hit documentary is “a crude and inaccurate attack masquerading as a news story.” The AP article, posted Friday and written by ...In an op-ed piece for TheWrap, D'Souza writes that “this fact-checking article required its own fact-checker,” and suggests that AP publish an apology. Also read: '2016: Obama's America': What the ... - Entertainment Industry...
Beth Groundwater: Today's Mystery Author Guest: Jennifer Harlow
By Beth Groundwater
The first, DEADLY CURRENTS, was released in 2011 and WICKED EDDIES, will be out in 2012. Beth lives in Colorado, enjoys its outdoor activities such as skiing and whitewater rafting, and loves talking to book clubs. Please visit her author ...
Beth Groundwater
Guest Author: Tom Pollock on Urban Fantasy, Cities and Myth | The ...
By Ana
Author of the excellent Urban Fantasy novel The City's Son – the first book in The Skyscraper Throne trilogy – Tom is here today to talk about UF, Cities and Myth. Please give it up for Tom! “Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears.
The Book Smugglers
Co-Author: 'Bad Blood' Didn't Cause Ex-SEAL to Pen Bin Laden ...
Publish your own activity and retain full control. To get started, first ... Co-Author: ' Bad Blood' Didn't Cause Ex-SEAL to Pen Bin Laden Book. By LEE FERRAN ...
Publish your own activity and retain full control. To get started, first ... Co-Author: ' Bad Blood' Didn't Cause Ex-SEAL to Pen Bin Laden Book. By LEE FERRAN ...
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