Why Books Are The Ultimate New Business Card
Fast Company
I spoke to Andrew Keen, best-selling author of The Cult of the Amateur and more recently Digital Vertigo, about this trend. Though Andrew's books have sold well, the majority of his “book” income is actually is derived from speaking, not advances or ...

Fast Company
Fast Company
I spoke to Andrew Keen, best-selling author of The Cult of the Amateur and more recently Digital Vertigo, about this trend. Though Andrew's books have sold well, the majority of his “book” income is actually is derived from speaking, not advances or ...
Fast Company
Court grants stay in Google books case
Google has digitized more than 20 million books since the project started in 2004. The Authors Guild consented to Google's request for a stay in the case. Grant Gross covers technology and telecom policy in the U.S. government for The IDG News Service.
E-book sales up 188 per cent
The Publishers Association's Sales Monitor shows that the total invoiced value of digital fiction books sales reported by participating companies saw a rise of 188 pre cent by value in January-June 2012 in comparison to the same period in 2011. Other ...

Google has digitized more than 20 million books since the project started in 2004. The Authors Guild consented to Google's request for a stay in the case. Grant Gross covers technology and telecom policy in the U.S. government for The IDG News Service.
E-book sales up 188 per cent
The Publishers Association's Sales Monitor shows that the total invoiced value of digital fiction books sales reported by participating companies saw a rise of 188 pre cent by value in January-June 2012 in comparison to the same period in 2011. Other ...
CBS News
AP: The book brings up some of your personal drama (extramarital affairs, including an on-again, off-again relationship with Hill) and your wife in the books comes off as being one of the most patient people in the world. What was her reaction to the book?
CBS News
Book brings gripping 1912 `kidnapping' to life
Huffington Post
From the outset, she and co-author Tal McThenia telegraph the conclusion of this nonfiction legal thriller. Even so, the story is so fraught with, as McThenia puts it, "incredulous questions," the reader is compelled to forge ahead, in the vain hope ...
Book Review: Black Fridays by Michael Sears
Blogcritics.org (blog)
Black Fridays is an enjoyable thriller, it is fast paced and interesting. Jason might be the only well developed character in the book, but the novel still stands on its own strength. A wonderful debut for Mr. Sears, and I'm looking forward to more ...
Blogcritics.org (blog)
An author uprising with Chris Hedges and Dinesh D'Souza
Los Angeles Times
If you are looking for a little music to go with your current events, musician Wyclef Jean will be performing at the book signing for his memoir, "Purpose: An Immigrant's Story," at the Aero Theater in Santa Monica on Sunday at 7:30 p.m. He will be ...
'Fifty Shades' author EL James has film cast in mind
she said Monday when she stopped by Katie Couric's show to chat about the book, S&M, her husband and the film, which is still in its very early stages. Katie said that a Facebook poll of show fans revealed that Alexis Bledel should play Anastasia ...
Book news: Justin Bieber's mom's memoir, new Chelsea Handler
Book news: Justin Bieber's mom's memoir, new Chelsea Handler. Comments. Tweet... Salman Rushdie: Don Oldenburg gives the author's memoir, Joseph Anton, four stars out of four, saying "it would win fiction awards… if only it were fiction." Meanwhile...
Book tells little-known Iran hostage crisis story
Huffington Post
His latest book is a page turner despite the fact readers know from the beginning how the story will end. Still, keeping the biographies and personalities of the six escapees straight isn't easy. Maybe seeing the movie first would help. ___. Copyright ...
Tuesday's Loveland blogger: A history of books from many years ago (video)
She said that the Internet doesn't seem to contain much information about classic children's booksso she wanted to help out with that interest and write about Pippi Longstocking, the Buddy series, Texas Star and other books many people remember from ...
On the Lam in a World Newly Broken
New York Times
The memoir's title, cobbled together from the first names of Joseph Conrad and Anton Chekhov, is the alias he used while under the fatwa. In the book, which is written in the third person, Anton emerges as a character Mr. Rushdie regards both fondly ...
Q&A: Author Ivan Doig on 'The Bartender's Tale' and a writer's life
The Seattle Times
Enlarge this photo. Author Ivan Doig has just published his 14th book, "The Bartender's Tale." ...Ivan Doig. Ivan Doig will discuss "The Bartender's Tale" at 7 p.m. Thursday at University Book Store, 4326 University Way N.E., Seattle; free (206-634 ...
Author's insight into Raffaele Sollecito, boyfriend alongside Amanda Knox
Northwest Cable News
Dempsey traveled to Italy to write her book about Sollecito and Amanda Knox, the two young lovers accused of viciously murdering a British student in the college town of Perugia. Dempsey's book, "Murder in Italy," detailed a lack of evidence and made ...
$180 art history text book with no art has blank spaces where the pictures ...
National Post
When asked to turn to page nine of their text books, students in an art history class at the Ontario College of Art and Design are greeted by a blank page where cave paintings should be. To see the image, students will have to go to a separate ebook ...
National Post
Ebook price war sees discounts reach 97%
The Guardian
Bestselling ebooks by authors including Jeffrey Archer and James Herbert are being sold for just 20p from Sony and Amazon's digital stores, prompting concerns from writers that the "relentless downward pressure on book prices" could lead to industry...
The Guardian
Chelsea Handler to write '50 Shades of Chartreuse'
The stand-up comedian, known in the books world for her best-selling, vodka-soaked tales of debauchery, is publishing a book of "bigger stories, smaller type," titled 50 Shades of Chartreuse: This Time It's Personal. It's slated for an October 2013 ...
Marysville school switches from books to iPads
Seattle Post Intelligencer
The iPads, which can cost anywhere from $399 to $699, take the place of most school books, journals and planners and are used by students to receive and complete school assignments. Parents were required to send their child to school with their own ...
BOOk REVIEW:'Planned Bullyhood'
Washington Times
A new book released this month by former Komen Vice President Karen Handel, “Planned Bullyhood: The Truth Behind the Headlines about the Planned Parenthood Funding Battle with Susan G. Komen for the Cure,” gives an insider's account of how one of ...
Washington Times
NW Books: 'A Death in Italy,' a journalist's account of the Knox trial
The Seattle Times
New books by Seattle-area authors or of local interest: "A Death in Italy," by a journalist who covered the Amanda Knox trial; "Narrative of the Sufferings of Lewis Clarke," a facsimile edition of the 1845book written by a slave; "The Infects," a ...
Book News: Ishmael Out Loud, The Cost of OWS Arrest
New Yorker (blog)
“During the two years of our relationship, I lived with Jack's contradictions and shifting moods, learning quickly that while he appeared to be an open book, whole chapters would remain closed to me.” Joyce Johnson on becoming Jack Kerouac's latest ...
New Yorker (blog)
READER SUBMITTED: Connecticut Author, Relationship Guru Reveals ...
Hartford Courant
And the discoveries he's reported in his new book, "On Loving Women," will provide some of the material for two special events he'll be hosting at the University of Hartford. The first, "A Night of Revelations: New Scientific Discoveries About Female ...
Tracking Amazon: The Rise of High-Priced E-books
Publishers Weekly
Though the publishing world waits to see how e-book pricing will be affected in the long-run by the DoJ's ruling, the current climate of higher-priced e-books is perhaps being overlooked: six of the 10 Kindle bestsellers (as of September 18) are priced ...
Children's Corner: Author's first picture book published 13 years later
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Author/illustrator David Ezra Stein wrote his first children's picture book text 13 years ago when he was a senior at the Parsons School of Design in New York City. Mr. Stein wrote the book as a school project, and his teacher, author/illustrator Pat ...
New Noah's Ark Book Claims Real Evidence for 'Greatest Discovery Ever'
Christian Post
A Danish journalist and author is releasing a new book on the biblical ark of Noah, claiming that a 2010 discovery made by a Chinese-Kurdish research team is most probably the famous vessel that has captivated research efforts for generations. Noah's...
Christian Post
Watch This Author Use A Google Document To Write And Edit A ...
By Drew Olanoff
Drew Olanoff has over 10 years of marketing, PR, customer service and support, relationship building and management, product management, and technical support experience in multiple verticals. Online, including mobile. He prides himself ...
Why Book Highlights Are Anti-Social
By Richard MacManus
Continuing our Social Books series, today I'm looking at book highlights. The increasing popularity of e-readers, in particular the Kindle, has made it common practice to highlight passages and quotes within books. There have been various ...
Chelsea Handler Lands Book Deal for 50 Shades of Chartreuse ...
By Jason Boog
Chelsea Handler Lands Book Deal for 50 Shades of Chartreuse. ... Author and television host Chelsea Handler has inked a book deal with Grand Central Publishing for a book called 50 Shades of Chartreuse: This Time It's Personal. ... Without sharing details about the book, de Guzman had this statement: “Publishing Chelsea and partnering with her on her imprint have been ridiculously fun. And the new book is groundbreaking. Bigger stories, smaller type. We can't wait to publish it.” ...
Wikipedia Gets Ebook Export Feature for Offline Reading
By Emil Protalinski
So, how do you create your own personal ebook? Start by clicking the “Create a book” link located in Wikipedia's left sidebar under the “print/export” section. From there you can compile articles (or complete categories) into a personal ...
The Next Web
Book review: Equal justice under law, jailhouse-lawyer style ...
By Lisa McElroy
Book review: Equal justice under law, jailhouse-lawyer style. In the spring of 2003, the phone on Seth Waxman's desk rang. “Will you accept a call from federal prison?” the caller asked. Waxman sighed. It might have been his fifth prisoner call ...
Jolt Awards: The Best Books | Dr Dobb's
The best book of the year receives the Jolt Award, the two runners up, each receive a Jolt Productivity award, and the remaining three books are known as Jolt Finalists. Reviews of the six award winners are ... We thank the Jolt sponsors, Rackspace, for providing virtual machines for the judges' use and Safari Books On-Line for enabling us to read most of these titles online in a format that presents technical information far better than do eBook readers. If you would like to nominate ...
Dr. Dobb's All
The best book of the year receives the Jolt Award, the two runners up, each receive a Jolt Productivity award, and the remaining three books are known as Jolt Finalists. Reviews of the six award winners are ... We thank the Jolt sponsors, Rackspace, for providing virtual machines for the judges' use and Safari Books On-Line for enabling us to read most of these titles online in a format that presents technical information far better than do eBook readers. If you would like to nominate ...
Dr. Dobb's All
How to Create an eBook from Wikipedia Articles
By Amit
You can bundle your favorite Wikipedia articles in a nicely formatted ebook and read it offline on any mobile phone, ebook reader or Tablet.
Digital Inspiration Technology Blog
book spotlight: climbing the charts by gabriel rossman « orgtheory.net
By fabiorojas
We have the works of Jenn Lena, whose book we discussed in detail last Spring. Now, we have Climbing the Charts is a new book by guest blogger and UCLA sociologist Gabriel Rossman. What these books have in common is a very careful ...
By fabiorojas
We have the works of Jenn Lena, whose book we discussed in detail last Spring. Now, we have Climbing the Charts is a new book by guest blogger and UCLA sociologist Gabriel Rossman. What these books have in common is a very careful ...
How to turn Wikipedia articles into e-books | TeleRead: News and ...
Tags: ebook export feature, ePub, wikimedia, wikipedia, Wikipedia ebook ... To create your personal e-book you, have to activate the 'Create a book' link located ...
My Next Book? (7 books)
7 books based on 1 votes: The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson, The Iron King by Julie Kagawa, Intertwined by Gena Showalter, ... Goodreads: Book reviews, recommendations, and discussion ... by Julie Kagawa (Goodreads Author) ...
Book Review: In Law Man, Shon Hopwood Achieves Equal Justice Under Law
Huffington Post
His new page-turner of a memoir, Law Man, would be a compelling read even if the book were only a gripping story with an engaging plot. But less attention has been paid to part of the story that is about justice. "Equal Justice Under Law" -- the motto ...
Book Review: Black Fridays by Michael Sears
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
Black Fridays is an enjoyable thriller, it is fast paced and interesting. Jason might be the only well developed character in the book, but the novel still stands on its own strength. A wonderful debut for Mr. Sears, and I'm looking forward to more ...
Scalia was 'furious' at Roberts vote on healthcare law, says Toobin book
The Hill (blog)
Jeffrey Toobin's latest book portrays Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia as increasingly cranky and partisan — and infuriated with Chief Justice John Roberts over the court's recent decisions on healthcare and immigration. Toobin, who writes for The ...
Jesse Ventura on SEAL book
... Published on Sep 17, 2012 by CNN. Fmr. Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura tell's CNN's Piers Morgan he doesn't have a problem with the SEAL book.
Follett's family saga of WWII engages, educates
Huffington Post
Follett's newest offering is "Winter of the World," book number two in The Century Trilogy. The first was "Fall of Giants." The books tell of the world wars and other great events of the 20th century via the members of five interlinked families ...
SC Sen. Lindsey Graham portrayed as informal, vulgar in Woodward book
Kansas City Star
Lindsey Graham calls President Barack Obama by his first name and curses like a sailor in private conversations with Vice President Joe Biden, according to a new book on the Obama presidency. The book — written by Washington Post associate editor Bob ...
Android apps for reading PDFs | TeleRead: News and views on e ...
By Jon Jermey
TeleRead - News and views on ebooks, libraries, publishing and related topics. HOME| · AROUND THE WORLD .... Michael W. Perry on "Hachette's E-Book Prices for Libraries to Raise 220% - Posted on September 17, 2012. More Comments.
TeleRead: News and views on e-books,...
New & Noteworthy: Book news; return of 'Foyle's War' - NorthJersey ...
New & Noteworthy: Book news; return of 'Foyle's War' ... Books. * McCarthy and Jewel to sign: Actor Andrew McCarthy will be at Bookends to sign his new book, ...
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