'Harry Potter' author JK Rowling to build Hogwarts-style tree houses for her ...
New York Daily News
J.K. Rowling is building two tree houses fit for a wizard. Despite some complaints from neighbors, the City of Edinburgh Council said Thursday it has approved the Harry Potterauthor's application to create the large tree houses in her garden for her ...

New York Daily News
Shulamith Firestone, Feminist Author of 'The Dialectic of Sex,' Dies
The Atlantic Wire (blog)
Shulamith Firestone, the author of The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution, has died at the age of 67, apparently of natural causes, The New York Times' Margolit Fox. She had been found dead on Tuesday in her East Village apartment in ...

The Atlantic Wire (blog)
For This Author, the Skies (And Airports) Are for Reading
Wall Street Journal
By DEBRA BRUNO. For Arvind Subramanian, jet lag is best treated with a Kindle. "When you're up at 2 in the morning, nothing is better than reading," he says. "The best sleeping pill is a book." The 53-year-old scholar at the Peterson Institute for ...
Pentagon informs ex-SEAL author of Bin Laden book that he might face legal ...
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon's top lawyer on Thursday informed the former Navy SEAL who wrote a forthcoming book describing details of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden that he violated agreements to not divulge military secrets and that as a result ...
New York Daily News
J.K. Rowling is building two tree houses fit for a wizard. Despite some complaints from neighbors, the City of Edinburgh Council said Thursday it has approved the Harry Potterauthor's application to create the large tree houses in her garden for her ...
New York Daily News
Shulamith Firestone, Feminist Author of 'The Dialectic of Sex,' Dies
The Atlantic Wire (blog)
Shulamith Firestone, the author of The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution, has died at the age of 67, apparently of natural causes, The New York Times' Margolit Fox. She had been found dead on Tuesday in her East Village apartment in ...
The Atlantic Wire (blog)
For This Author, the Skies (And Airports) Are for Reading
Wall Street Journal
By DEBRA BRUNO. For Arvind Subramanian, jet lag is best treated with a Kindle. "When you're up at 2 in the morning, nothing is better than reading," he says. "The best sleeping pill is a book." The 53-year-old scholar at the Peterson Institute for ...
Pentagon informs ex-SEAL author of Bin Laden book that he might face legal ...
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon's top lawyer on Thursday informed the former Navy SEAL who wrote a forthcoming book describing details of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden that he violated agreements to not divulge military secrets and that as a result ...
Blogcritics.org (blog)
A new book from Insight Editions, Rolling Stones 50X20, edited by Christopher Murray, founder of the Govinda Gallery of photography, offers a pictorial history of the band's first 50 years as seen through the lenses of 20 photographers. Even a casual ...
Blogcritics.org (blog)
BOOK REVIEW: 'Lionel Asbo'
Washington Times
In this sense, you can tell the book by its cover. Mr. Amis is as keen as any tabloid editor could be for a story like that of his eponymous hero, nee Lionel Pepperdine of the fictional and impossibly crime-ridden London borough of Diston. The trouble ...
Washington Times
BOOK REVIEW:'Invisible Monsters'
Washington Times
While his best known book is “Fight Club,” Mr. Palahniuk actually wrote an earlier version of this book (minus the word “Remix”) first. He submitted it to his publisher, but the company found it too upsetting, and passed, but changed its mind later ...
Washington Times
Review: Christopher Hitchens stays contrarian in 'Mortality'
Los Angeles Times
To make the point, though, he turns away from his own experience to take a shot at Randy Pausch, the late Carnegie Mellon professor and author of "The Last Lecture," a book "so sugary," Hitchens warns, "that you may need an insulin shot." On the one ...
BOOK REVIEW: 'Hello Goodbye Hello'
Washington Times
The acknowledgements, prefacing quotes, note to the U.S. edition, book description, author's biography, and list of my other books each consist of 101 words, as does this note.” Clearly, the maker of this book is having a lot of fun and that pervasive ...
Washington Times
BOOK REVIEW: 'The Milton Encyclopedia'
Washington Times
BOOK REVIEW: 'The Milton Encyclopedia'. Comment(s); Size: + / -; Print. By Martin Rubin - Special to The Washington Times. Friday, August 31, 2012. Enlarge Photo. Story Topics. John Milton · Thomas N. Corns · Yale University Press · Yale University...
Washington Times
Book Review: Freedom Sailors
Foreign Policy Journal
Jim Miles is a Canadian educator and a regular contributor/columnist of opinion pieces and book reviews for The Palestine Chronicle. Miles' work is ilso presented globally through other alternative websites and news publications. Read more articles by ...
Mystery-thriller book review: 'Broken Harbour'
Los Angeles Times
"Some people get hit by a tidal wave, dig in their nails and hold on; they stay focused on the positive, keep visualizing the way through until it opens up in front of them," Scorcher thinks as he reviews the Spain family's dismal financial record ...
Book Review: Income Investing
Seeking Alpha
He has, after all, written a practical book for investors who are reaching for yield (something that, as he explains, might be a chimera), not a guide for the perplexed. Nevertheless, when he described bonds in terms of options everything fell into ...
Book Review – Making Social Media Tasty for Non-Profits
ChicagoNow (blog)
While other social media books may focus primarily on buzzwords and marketing, The Tasti D-Lite Way manages to keep its focus on how businesses do social media "right". (For a great local example - and an organization that I have volunteered for - one...
ChicagoNow (blog)
Book Review: “Telling True Stories”
By Mark Nichol
Book Review: “Telling True Stories”. by Mark Nichol. The art of writing compelling nonfiction shares many parallels with that of crafting good fiction, and Telling True Stories: A Nonfiction Writers' Guide, an anthology of essays and other content ...
Daily Writing Tips
Book reviews, author interviews and events, Seattle readings ...
Book reviews, author interviews and events, Seattle readings, Northwest writers, book signings and literary event calendar.
Finance for Freelancers – Book Review
If you are new to freelancing or your idea of bookkeeping is a pile of paper scraps that you keep ...
Twitch the Squirrel and the Forbidden Bridge by author Don M. Winn, is a valuable learning tool for young children. As a Cardboard Box Adventure book, it is written in a manner that helps parents and teachers utilize the lessons taught in the story to ...
Pentagon says it may prosecute ex-SEAL author
The general counsel of the Defense Department, Jeh Johnson, wrote in a letter transmitted Thursday to the author that he had signed two nondisclosure agreements with the Navy in 2007 that obliged him to ''never divulge'' classified information.
Paramount and children of 'Godfather' author clash in court
Los Angeles Times
The children of Mario Puzo, author of the famed "Godfather" series, are trying to severe their family's more than 40-year association with Paramount Pictures after a bitter squabble that erupted earlier this year. On Thursday, Hollywood attorney Bert ...
Author of book on bin Laden raid could face legal action
Washington Post
The Pentagon on Thursday warned a former Navy SEAL that it was considering taking legal action against him for publishing a first-hand account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, implying that he had divulged classified information. It remained ...
CBS hides ID of Navy SEAL who wrote bin Laden book
Huffington Post
CBS News Chairman Jeff Fager said Thursday he'd make the same decision to withhold the identity even if the network hadn't landed an exclusive interview with the author, who participated in the May 2011 raid in Pakistan. Scott Pelley's interview with ...
The Readers' Writers: Author Cathy Lamb
Norwich Bulletin
The Readers' Writers: Author Cathy Lamb. Zoom. Photos. Cathy Lamb A Different Kind of Normal. A Different Kind of Normal. Yellow Pages. Find whatever you're looking for with Totally Local Yellow Pages. Search provided by local.com · Featured Business » ...
The FBI Investigated Author Ray Bradbury For Communist Sympathies
Business Insider
The 40-page cache of the late science fiction author's FBI files was obtained by the Daily Beast following a Freedom of Information request, and shows the extent to which the FBI had Bradbury in its sights in 1959. "Raymond Douglas Bradbury, a ...
Business Insider
Sheryl Sandberg, superhero (and now, author) | VentureBeat
By John Koetsier
Should we all just bow down to Cheryl Sandberg now? What can this woman not do? Smart, technical, superrich, twice-successful entrepreneur, powerful, beautiful, a successful public speaker, a smart dresser: Facebook chief operating officer ...
Author Solutions to Remove Jared Silverstone Accounts - GalleyCat
By Jason Boog
Following a GalleyCat article yesterday, self-publishing company Author Solutions will remove social media accounts for Jared Silverstone–a set of profiles for an “Awesome Publishing Consultant atAuthor Solutions” that used a fake image ...
DoD may take legal action against SEAL author - Marine Corps Times
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon's top lawyer has informed the former Navy SEAL who wrote a forthcoming book describing details of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden that he violated agreements to not divulge military secrets and that as a ...
Marine Corps Times - News
Pentagon Finds Gossipy Navy SEAL Author in Breach of Non - Gawker
By Taylor Berman
Obama critic and former Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette might be in a bit of trouble with his old bosses for writing No Easy Day, which includes a detailed account of the bin Laden killing. According Jeh Johnson, the general counsel of the ...
CBS News Declines To Identify Author Of Book About Osama Bin ...
CBS News says it won't reveal the identity of a retired Navy SEAL who wrote a book about the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, even though other media outlets have done so. CBS News Chairman Jeff Fager told The Associated Press that ...
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