Access to e-book porn isn't limited to the Kindle world. Searching for the term "adult picture book" on the Barnes & Noble Nook store also brings back a list with hundreds of e-books packed with hardcore images created by the company's PubIt! Nook ...
Book Buzz: Nine writers awarded $150000 each
Eloisa James e-books: Romance author Eloisa James is releasing her newest book With This Kiss as a digital original to be published interstitially in three parts, the first to be published March 12. Read a review of James' memoir Paris in Love from USA ...
Book News: Male Authors Still Get Far More Coverage, Survey Shows
NPR (blog)
The New York Review of Books (89 reviews of female authors in 2012 to 316 of male authors), the London Review of Books (74 female authors to 203 male) and the Times Literary Supplement (314 female authors to 924 male authors) fared especially ill. (NPR...
NPR (blog)
Book Buzz: Jonah Lehrer book pulled after fact-checking review
Jonah Lehrer book pulled: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has pulled a second book by disgraced journalist Jonah Lehrer, How We Decide, after an internal fact-checking review. The publisher pulled his book Imagine after it came out that he had fabricated ...
Book News: 'New Yorker' Plagiarist's Book Pulled From Shelves
NPR (blog)
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has decided that disgraced journalist and author Jonah Lehrer's second book, How We Decide, will be taken off shelves at bookstores after the publisher's internal investigation uncovered "significant problems," The Daily Beast...
NPR (blog)
Bush 41 defends Bush 43 in updated book
USA TODAY (blog)
Former president George H.W. Bush has updated his 1999 book of letters, including missives from the past 14 years -- notably ones about the presidency of son George W. Bush. "I am really down about the way the president has been attacked," the senior ...
The Art of Browsing
New Yorker (blog)
The tactile process of pulling out a stack of books and flipping through them is, to me, more stimulating than toggling between the windows open on my Web browser. Even the nomenclature “browser” is worth noting: it removes our agency. The software ...
Book News: Dating Homer, Distinctive Bylines
New Yorker (blog)
A team of geneticists studied linguistic “mutations” to pinpoint a publication date for the “Iliad.” The film adaptation of “Pride, Prejudice and Zombies,” written by David O. Russell, is officially underway. Mark Twain's “Life on the Mississippi” is ...

New Yorker (blog)
Tournament of Books: March Madness for readers
Christian Science Monitor
The ninth annual Tournament of Books, founded by the magazine The Morning News, began yesterday and will choose the best book of the year through a March Madness-style bracket system. ... York Times Magazine writer and “This American Life” contributor ...

Christian Science Monitor
Exclusive excerpt from Bob Knight's book
ESPN (blog)
AP Photo/John Swart In Bob Knight's new book, the coach imparts wisdom acquired over four decades as a college head coach. [Editor's note: In “The Power of Negative Thinking: An Unconventional Approach to Achieving Positive Results,” legendary ...
Astros' Bo Porter part of spiritual book club featuring Nationals' Bryce Harper
Houston Chronicle (blog)
What the club's been reading: Actually, it's a spiritual-devotional book. Last year, the book was Tony Dungy, 'Uncommon Life.' This year, it's a spiritual-devotional. Daily declaration of spirituality and it's a message that goes out every day. It ...

Houston Chronicle (blog)
Books to Watch Out For: March : The New Yorker
By The New Yorker
The story is set during Woodrow Wilson's tenure as president of Princeton, and Wilson—along with Upton Sinclair, Jack London, and Mark Twain—appears as a character in the book. It's both a supernatural thriller (though Oates started the ...
Culture Desk
Thai E-book Provider Ookbee Adds 6,000 New Users Each Day ...
By Victoria Ho
It seems the e-book market in Thailand has been quietly flourishing, at least according to a local provider of digital books and magazines, Ookbee. The company is the country's biggest e-bookstore, with a claimed 88 percent market share.
Cities without highways: A Q&A with TED Book essayist Diana Lind
By rachelllh
City 2.0: The Habitat of the Future and How to Get There is a new TED Books anthology that seeks to answer some of the key questions about how best to develop thriving cities – tackling everything from issues of sustainability to infrastructure ...
TED Blog
USA TODAY (blog)
Former president George H.W. Bush has updated his 1999 book of letters, including missives from the past 14 years -- notably ones about the presidency of son George W. Bush. "I am really down about the way the president has been attacked," the senior ...
The Art of Browsing
New Yorker (blog)
The tactile process of pulling out a stack of books and flipping through them is, to me, more stimulating than toggling between the windows open on my Web browser. Even the nomenclature “browser” is worth noting: it removes our agency. The software ...
Book News: Dating Homer, Distinctive Bylines
New Yorker (blog)
A team of geneticists studied linguistic “mutations” to pinpoint a publication date for the “Iliad.” The film adaptation of “Pride, Prejudice and Zombies,” written by David O. Russell, is officially underway. Mark Twain's “Life on the Mississippi” is ...
New Yorker (blog)
Tournament of Books: March Madness for readers
Christian Science Monitor
The ninth annual Tournament of Books, founded by the magazine The Morning News, began yesterday and will choose the best book of the year through a March Madness-style bracket system. ... York Times Magazine writer and “This American Life” contributor ...
Christian Science Monitor
Exclusive excerpt from Bob Knight's book
ESPN (blog)
AP Photo/John Swart In Bob Knight's new book, the coach imparts wisdom acquired over four decades as a college head coach. [Editor's note: In “The Power of Negative Thinking: An Unconventional Approach to Achieving Positive Results,” legendary ...
Astros' Bo Porter part of spiritual book club featuring Nationals' Bryce Harper
Houston Chronicle (blog)
What the club's been reading: Actually, it's a spiritual-devotional book. Last year, the book was Tony Dungy, 'Uncommon Life.' This year, it's a spiritual-devotional. Daily declaration of spirituality and it's a message that goes out every day. It ...
Houston Chronicle (blog)
Books to Watch Out For: March : The New Yorker
By The New Yorker
The story is set during Woodrow Wilson's tenure as president of Princeton, and Wilson—along with Upton Sinclair, Jack London, and Mark Twain—appears as a character in the book. It's both a supernatural thriller (though Oates started the ...
Culture Desk
Thai E-book Provider Ookbee Adds 6,000 New Users Each Day ...
By Victoria Ho
It seems the e-book market in Thailand has been quietly flourishing, at least according to a local provider of digital books and magazines, Ookbee. The company is the country's biggest e-bookstore, with a claimed 88 percent market share.
Cities without highways: A Q&A with TED Book essayist Diana Lind
By rachelllh
City 2.0: The Habitat of the Future and How to Get There is a new TED Books anthology that seeks to answer some of the key questions about how best to develop thriving cities – tackling everything from issues of sustainability to infrastructure ...
TED Blog
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