Making a Word Meme - Lean In

Making a Word Meme - " . . . The phrase had a life before Ms. Sandberg used it. It was frequently invoked in sports (lean in to the slope, lean in to the wave) and evolved into a metaphor for embracing risk, said Ben Zimmer, executive producer of the Visual Thesaurus and, and language columnist for The Boston Globe. In a 2010 TED talk, Ms. Sandberg lamented that women too often were “leaning back.” In subsequent speeches, notably in a commencement address at Barnard College in 2011, she urged women to “lean in.”. . . It’s hard to know whether the expression will outlast the book’s best-selling status. One thing going for it: the phrase can mean almost anything. . . . "in some ways the lack of specificity may be linked to more staying power”. . . . Even genuine believers have started to hear uses of “lean in” that barely relate to Ms. Sandberg’s message. . . ." (read more at link above)

Poetry finally joining e-book revolution
San Jose Mercury News
"In the spring of 2010, we actually formed a team to focus on books that were complicated to make into e-books, like poetry and illustrated nonfiction," says Liisa McCloy-Kelley, Random House Inc.'s vice president and director of e-book production ...

E-book sales almost doubled and online book sales rose 21.3% in 2012
New York Daily News (blog)
Although e-book sales almost doubled, print sales still made slight gains. Hardcover sales were up 1.3% from the year before, to $5.06 billion, and paperback sales rose 0.4%, to $4.96 billion. Bringing in $3.04 billion, e-books still ranked third in ...

DiCaprio: We're true to Gatsby book
Irish Independent
"I can't tell you how many people have come up to me and said it's their favourite book of all time. Every time you make a movie you have to be very specific and people may disagree with what you're doing," he said. "We were always honest with one ...

Children's Books: Pipsqueak on Wheels
Wall Street Journal
This disjunction between reality and self-perception finds endearing expression in "Ben Rides On" (Roaring Brook, 32 pages, $16.99), a debut picture book by Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Matt Davies. Here is a classic tale of boy meets ...

Afghan Star Khaled Hosseini's New Book
Wall Street Journal
I didn't sit down and say, "I want to write more complex characters," but as I wrote the characters, I noticed that they are more complex and that they're not as archetypal as the characters in my earlierbooks, certainly in "The Kite Runner." I think ...

Apple Fights Back in E-Book Antitrust Case -
Unlike the five publishers, all of which have settled the case, filed in April 2012, Apple is aggressively disputing the government's assertions that Apple and the publishers wanted to force Amazon, which controlled 90 percent of the e-book ...
NYT Bits

Graphic Books Best Sellers: Humans and Mutants Working Together ...
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Sorted Books, Photographs of Poetry Created Using Book Titles
By Kimber Streams
Since 1993, artist Nina Katchadourian has been working on the Sorted Books project, a collection of photographs featuring poetry made of book titles arranged in clever ways. More of the sublime and humorous poetry can be found at ...
Laughing Squid

Have You Seen My New Book, Living The Good Long Life? - The ...
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I am very proud of my newest book, Living The Good Long Life: A Practical Guide To Caring For Yourself And Others. With this book, I wanted to create a guide that is a practical, no-nonsense, straightforward, important list of things to do so you ...
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London's top gardens pictured in one charming book : TreeHugger
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